Student completed a book report on one of her chosen library books today.
Fancy Nancy"s Tea Party gave directions for all of the goodies and fancies of hosting one's very own tea party!
Student's Report as follows:
Title: Fancy Nancy
Setting: Tea Party
Main Character: Nancy
Favorite Part: Tea for Two
Nancy is one of my favorite characters because she is fancy. My new fancy words from this book are ensemble & etiquette. I already knew etiquette from golf, but now it means more.
Student drew a space in her room that was NOT currently fancy and then finished the report by deciding how to fancify that space...and the winner is...her bed!
We began with a pile of stashed upcycle fancies and hot pink tulle that Principal and Student picked up while grocery shopping together. Mascot thoroughly enjoyed the thrift store embroidery hoop!
Truthfully, the report finished it's fancy efforts on Saturday, but Student was just as happy with her canopy. It's like a real pink castle!
In Toddler school, counting was the popular practice. Sticking to counting by ones, he decided to try to count all of the swirls on the step stool.
Delighting at the texture, Mascot joined right in! And after they counted with boyish raucous, they loved on eathother with boyish roughness. Toddler says Mascot thinks his hair is spaghetti and that's why Mascot keeps trying to fit it in his mouth!
Math connected Student's time-telling and fraction knowledge. To Teacher's surprise, the quarter after, and quarter til language brought this understanding to Student: Ok, so 15x4=60?
Seriously, it's NOT the great teacher, it's the great Creator of the brain!
Beyond the doors of Homeschool, pedals were pumping and riders were rambling. Racing here and there, the freezing temps were no match for Student and Toddler today. However, the lack of Midwest wind, was the grace of God supplying perfect energy-burning conditions!
Phonics and Language filed in with steady seatwork, and we called it a week! Looking forward to Make a difference Monday and the plans He has in store for us!