Log cabin
As for Jefferson, our skip, hop and leap, leaving us with the third president of the United States, Student contructed this map detailing the continuing of Manifest Destiny during Jefferson's years. Eying the years 1801-1809, and quickly figuring that it was 8 years, Student remarked:
Oh, so he served twice.
It was upstairs that Student planned on learning QUIETLY away from boys...then we heard them having SCHOOL upstairs as well...
Boy school, schmoy school! Where can the girls of the world be free from boydom?! Mascot isn't counted in the boywar, as of yet. But joining forces with Toddler, he did enjoy reading in their bedroom. All Things That Fly, was another recent thrift store book find. Toddler picked an X-15 for the day's learning.
Teacher: Do you know what this supersonic rocket is made of?
Toddler: No.
Teacher: Metal:Nickel.
Toddler: Ask me again, Mom. Again!
Teacher: What metal is this rocket made from?
Toddler: Quarters!
And how does Toddler read, one may ask...on his head, naturally.
Teacher's prayer:
Lord, knowing that Your will for these children is not merely a position, but a relationship with You, help us to not limit their knowledge of You because of their chosen position. May we teach them when they walk, stand, sit, lye down and hang! Amen