We began the day with breakfast and History at the table. Principal listened to Student read 3 sections! And with his ears and eyes amazed..Student read right through "...summoning the officer and his guard...anxiously they returned to Jerusalem...the distinguished men were amazed at the wisdom and understanding of the child at only twelve..." If Teacher could have read so well in first grade, there may have been an actual enjoyment developed of reading! God has truly blessed this generation with more than we can know!
Amidst Student's seatwork in Phonics, the rockets began to take shape. Beginning from an attachment formed by Toddler to a rocket set at a metropolis bookstore, last week, our promises of creating a homeschool rocket took shape today.
After all was complete... WAIT ...come and see how the Mascot laughs... that was the call from Toddler and Student from the nursery. We found them batting baby fabric blocks intoMascot's face, and he was indeed laughing about it! What a united set of siblings! Getting them together and on the same page of creativity happens more than before we began the obedient journey of homeschooling. All praise to God for the times of peace and unity, not by our workings do they love one another.
Before we get back to the great outdoors...
√ Finish the introduction to George Washington
√ Complete a map of the US during his administration (while Teacher nursed Mascot and so the prevailing map was a bit mixed-up, but full effort was put forth, it's just that Teacher needs to learn the EXACT shapes or print a copy of the states before setting Student free to complete such a task...)
√ Violin practice
√ Phonics seatwork
√ Math calendar review
All thoroughly enjoyed the experiment, and though Teacher and Principal taught of the solid and liquid reaction creating a gas.. the experiment never lifted the rocket off of the ground! Maybe next time, we should tell the instructions to include MEASUREMENTS of the ingredients!?
So, Student and Toddler settled for the ol' Mentos and Coke reaction:
exploding soda to new heights was just as much of a blast! The reaction being visible with the naked eye helped Toddler and Student get it.
As for the clean-up? Weather man says God's planning showers and light snow tomorrow night...Thanks, Lord.
Finishing up the afternoon outside in the sun... just for fun!
Principal aiding in the learned new skill: Heeley hand-me-downs...
as the smiles from Mascot were just enough to remind us that everyday is a day the Lord has made, with or without sun! Though, honestly, we are praising Him for the presence of the sun today!