read of the birth of Jesus, the shepherd's visitation
in the stable and the arrival to the temple with baby Jesus.
Toddler always gets excited for the temple story
from Luke ch.2. Even with his vitamin C,
kleenex, water, medicine and sneezes close by he enjoyed hearing of Simeon.
And for the rest of History, we will catch up to George Washington this week.
Curriculum catch-up is the name of the game!
Student had a tough violin practice today. She is working so diligently to get through this working piece before she meets for her private lesson with Mrs. S on Thursday.
She is determined, and her fingers will prevail. This video gives the first line of her working piece: May Song. It always helps the Homeschool to think of May...cuz summer's on the way!
New to violin practice is the volume chart. Mrs. S drew up this pretty paper for Student, and just had to include PURPLE! Well, it's a great help in learning the Italian terms and remembering to look for such clues in her music.
Aside from review and seatwork in Math, Student joined Principal for some hoops at the Rec Center. We all are resting on the promise of warmer weather tomorrow! Provided God brings it, we'll be out in it!
Mascot enjoyed a naptime read with Toddler: The Relatives Came, from Gramma S2. Really, this book gives more laughter and fun than a winding-down naptime story should...but Toddler especially picked it out.
Toddler learned all about fighting-fires today, with his favorite video from Grandmother. He has seen this teaching-tool countless times, so Teacher quizzed him on his findings.
Teacher: What did you learn about fire fighters today?
Toddler: Everything! All about fires.
Teacher: Who fights fires?
Toddler: I do! I have my very own fire suit!
Teacher: But you haven't gone to school to learn about fighting fires. Would you like to do that when you are grown?
Toddler: Yes!
WHEW! No arguments that the Homeschool needed to teach fire science, so all is settled, now!