Activity was of course the highlight of the day, as Principal escorted Student and Toddler to the backyard for snow games. He loves to shovel a path of winding turns and twists for their boots to trod, with the occasional snowball distraction in their pathway. This time Teacher learned NOT to open the sliding door when there is a snowball in the hands of Principal, as his aim is too precise!
Math has had some speed drills and tests to be caught up, as Teacher made the administrative decision to skip ahead about 10 lessons. Student didn't mind, as she loves TESTS! Maybe because we don't finish until she's mastered it... who wouldn't mind such a grade written in RED?!
Art, always present at the Homeschool! Whether on paper, iPhone or iMac, the creativity is at work! Student continues to draw people, faces and body poses. This week, she'll transfer that practice into a portrait or two. Principal has a book in the works to showcase all of the faces that lurk throughout the Homeschool.
Violin, oh violin, we have planned for your appearance for two days,
how many times can we overlook you, let us count thy ways...
1-Can't find rosen or shoulder-rest
2-Can't find clean clothes so Student isn't dressed
3-Wonder how this tuner works
4-If Mrs. S saw our situation, she would surely laugh at our quirks
5-When can time slow down to fit it all in, at this request we can only pray & grin
Reading 2 more stories from James Marshall's chapter book Rats on the Roof, Student is using her 6 and a half-year-old brain to fine-tune those summarizing skills! Through books, and episodes of Little House on the Prairie. Though Summary is a new term for Student, anyone ever crosing paths with a young girl knows they can talk, when they want to. It's the organizing of those thoughts before they transform into words that is the trick! Today Student witnessed Country Girls, a fav of Teacher's from girlhood days. This must be one of our lessons in the Social Sciences, as the lack of sisterhood in the Homeschool persists, Student has to look to other sister pairs for wisdom and grace. Laura and Mary are just perrrfect!
Student didn't really care for the books, last summer when Grandmother gifted them. However, Grandmother wouldn't give up at that, but recently added the first season of LHOP to our Homeschool collection. Both Student and Toddler have gotten attached!
Life Skills continue on in life as planned by The Maker. Toddler helps fold diapers and set the table as Student organizes clutter and solves game-board missing-piece mysteries! All in a day of obedience at the Homeschool. As we continue to let the Lord establish the work of our hands, yes, the Lord to establish the work of our hands, may we ALL learn and grow in Him.