Student thought it was fun to BOGGLE as did Warrior...who could hardly turn around with his smile fast enough to reveal his spelling accomplishment, while wearing his shirt inside-out, we are so proud! Growing and gaining in knowledge and admonition of the Lord each day.
Also opening the Bible Dominoes and Princess addition flashcards, our box of goodies is just beginning to open! It also holds much of the needed curriculum needed for Warrior's Preschool next year. Could God be hinting at Homeschool again for next year! Can't wait to pray that we will let Him establish the work of our hands, and see what comes next!
So wonderful how Final Friday is one of our scheduled days to serve, when all we could do this week was open the door to all whom God brought over to serve us! Once again, our plans are NEVER as wonderful as His!
Psalm 20:4
"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."