Having both weather extremes today, our week of learning continues. Recess in the rain is a fringe benefit, I guess! Student sure seems to think so!
Reading through her chapter books, Student is ready for our next library visit on Monday. We may need to check out more books for our week of reading together, as she usually asks to read more than just 1 chapter each setting. Whew!
Carrying us through Genesis, our History has also expended to include the Geography of Egypt and their culture. Map time brought an understanding of where all of our reading from Genesis has been taking place, thus far. Also, we talked of God's perfect plan, and our plan. The story of Abram and Sarai and Hagar, brought many parallels to the demoralized world of relationships today.
Student enjoyed her Egyptian project today. As we are gearing up for a Grammy Holiday on Friday, we took the time for a project today.
Student: Making my collar was fun. It took a long time to draw it. The circle painting was a mix of blue and black that was to be a marble or a diamond.
Seatwork will be completed at our meeting tonight, away from home. This is Student's first time this homeschool year to do seatwork away from home! Of course this is because she had the opportunity to golf with Dad today. Which weighs heavier on her list of priorities? Daddy time, of course! Thus, she'll complete homework this evening. Good ol' night school!