Yes, another week has begun, and our homeschool continues. Beginning with Math, Student continued with her place value learning by creating place cards. Colored pencil is her current favorite medium, and so we put them to work!
Counting forward to 200 and backward from 100, there are numbers filling the air.
Toddler, however, didn't like our Right Hand Left Hand, work today, and summoned himself to his airplane...(box in picture background). He said the up and down action wasn't his favorite. But for Student, it is a great wiggle-out exercise!
Still awaiting last supplies to arrive in the mail, Student eagerly awaits the mail carrier. The seatwork that will be delivered will help with the part of the lesson she can lead, and that is always a positive to her. Leading. What a great eldest sibling, so obvious God lined her up to be one! His plan is so mush better than ours, as I always thought a big bro would be best, since I experienced that. And, I have seen since the addition of TOddler, that she is perfect for the job God has given her.
History continues in Genesis and I think Student will enjoy fitting in American History when the occassion arrises. I think mixing them in together will be better than waiting to finish Biblical and then move on. She recently asked...
"When will we study real History?" Hee hee! I informed her that there is much History, from many sources and angles. She just smiled, and said she wants to learn lots!
Student: I made my first flashcards, today. I practiced with my Dad. And I knew the answer sometimes because I saw the back of the card!