Moving right along. Student is appearing to be blessed with Dad's Math brain. She was so excited for the special section of first grade Math, entitled "Thinking Cap". Well, it was to be a thinking exercise that may take time, and she was done in one second! She has only had this today, but we will continue and surely it will be more of a challenge, as not every day is the first lesson!
First Lesson from our curriculum that is to come in the mail, that is. We have the instructional texts and Student and I have been making our own worksheets for the seatwork, and really that has been fun. However, with a new member of the family on the way, it will be much smoother to have the prepared seatwork when there is another to care for.
History moved onto Noah and the building of the ark. Gen 6& 7. We found that our text said Noah made it of Cypress trees, and our Bible said Gopher wood...so we began our online research to see the difference or similarities of these woods.
In the Douay Version, Genesis 6:14, God commands Noah: "Make thee an ark of timber planks. " In the King James Version this is written: "Make thee an ark of gopher wood. " Modern scholars believe it means the extremely durable wood of the tall massive evergreen cypresses that, together with towering cedars and oaks, clothed the slopes of the Lebanon and other mountain ranges in Biblical times. "Gopher" is very similar to the Hebrew and Greek words for cypress.
_as written in Biblical Trees History
Student had her own guess of defining our Bible Dictionary words from History, which were as follows:
Iniquity: following God's ways
Holy: perfect
Cubit: a video game
Well, after looking up the words we both learned the correct definitions. But one of three is pretty good guess work!
Continuing Reading, Student will finish the last chapter of her first chapter book tomorrow. Student certainly got her fair share of reading in History today, as she read all of the side notes of interesting facts. This talked about tools and such as Noah and his sons built the ark...here's her artful version pictured.
Space facts continuing as well. We are working up to our open house and much-anticipated trip to the Cosmosphere! By Thanksgiving, is our goal.
Student: I learned about Noah's Ark. He made it out of cypress wood/ gopher wood.
I am talking about my space facts, here. and i love them!
Another name for a meteor is: shooting star. I learned about the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.