Is toilet paper not an active part of schooling? I can't think of one public or private that doesn't need some!
Student was able to work on Life Skills on our mid-week day with Dad on campus during homeschool hours. To the grocery store we went. Armed with her pad of alphabetized needs, she wrote down the prices of each item. After comparing the numbers, she promptly found which was the most and least expensive. And the winner is?
Student: Toilet Paper was most expensive. Bread was least expensive. Can we do this every time we go to the store?
Computer time was essential on this hot day. First taking turns with Toddler, then sharing the experience, Student always enjoys some tech-time.
Reading with Dad from her beginner reader Bible, she picked her favorite stories to share with him.
And to finish her Life Skills today, Student helped to prepare supper with Dad. An experience that kiddos should share more often with their Dad. The kitchen and Dads, well, always produces a healthy laugh and much learning!
Reading with Dad from her beginner reader Bible, she picked her favorite stories to share with him.
And to finish her Life Skills today, Student helped to prepare supper with Dad. An experience that kiddos should share more often with their Dad. The kitchen and Dads, well, always produces a healthy laugh and much learning!