On the move again, can't wait to get OFF the move again!
Mondays are so mobile. Student does well with the change of schedule, but at the same time, she fills my ears with requests to "...just be home..."!
I am thankful to God that we have a home, and one that we can call homeschool.
This Artful sketch is the creation of Student and Principal. They had each been trying to fit in drawing time yesterday, and as they did so together, they created this!
Also on the colorful side of school today, we received a game to help Student learn her next song in Violin: Piggies and Chimps. This will come in handy all week, as we are preparing for a performance for Fall Fest.
We introduced new flashcards in Math, combo dot cards, and they are colorful as well. Student wondered why they all were only blue as we have a 24 pack of colored pencils...but this was only the color for the fives family. So, her hopes of a rainbow weren't crushed! Everything is color and Art through her eyes.
Seatwork for Phonics and Language squeezed in between Reading today. Books about Fall seem to be a favorite right now. Poppleton is still in our pile of Library books, as well as whatever makes it into the bookbag before we reach our 12 book limit on our Library trip. Finishing our mobile-Monday with a trip to the park, and a walk full of Kansas wildflowers, there will be a colorful bouquet drying in Student's room this week.
And Space? Why yes, we are almost complete with this extended unit. As Principal will be at the homeschool for a week when the new addition arrives, we are planning our Field Trip and open house. Can't wait for each of these! Wonder which will happen first?
Student says: I like the white wildflowers. The dark purple are nice, too. I wanted to keep waking, but we didn't know where the path ended.