"Hey, it's a vase!"
Yes, you smarty pants, it is! How do these kids get so smart? Thanks, God, your handiwork is supreme.
So, in studying the symbols of the Egyptian language, Student designed this vase with her name encrypted in the heiroglyphic markings.
Reading from a Patricia Polocco book today, Auntie Barb would have been so proud. She is who introduced us to the art and words of Polocco, and since then, we have been in love! We all truly enjoyed our time in the shade with John Philip Duck.
Student has been working on the five W's of stories. We have already covered literary terms of a story, and now these 5 W's seem not as interesting to Student. Good ol' live and learn! She likes BIG words! So, that we shall do!
Seatwork in phonics and Language are being stickered as I type. The best papers are those one can sticker themselves!
Student: That is my name! I like the symbols that make letters.