Student got right to work on some decorations for our blessed abode. This lovely acorn is from her self-directed project book. Following directions, step-by-step she completed it with love! And those fabric leaves on string round her neck, they will be our garland for the front door as soon as we unwrap her!
Math flashcards were all too fun, as Dad was the partner today. Place values and counting to 200...she is moving right along. The corners of our number chart are beginning to show our progress! Maybe lamination is a good investment.
Seatwork, la-di-da. Oh, how the cursive flows. Oh, how the special sounds roll. Oh, how the "e" is in me. She works right along and announces her completion with excitement! No wonder she had some issues with talking at school, she finishes her task in quite the quick manner. Now, she can come and talk to me all the more! What a blessing our talks have been. What a blessing our obedience in this journey has been.
History and more jumping into Egypt produced this from Student's brain: In Egyptian schools, they whipped the children because they believed children only obeyed when they were whipped! And I would not want to go to that school, because I don't want to be whipped. And, I would obey anyways.
In Genesis, we read about Ishmael and Hagar going into the desert. Sarah wanted them to be sent there. A stream of water was brought by God, because it was not time for him to die.