Our mornings are beginning with Student's reading aloud a Psalm each day. This devotional has some fun insights, and Student is learning more about pausing with punctuation and elocution. Warrior is just trying to learn to LISTEN & SIT simultaneously. Today he opted to piggy back on Teacher and listen.
Continuing seatwork and finishing up Christmas thank yous to our thoughtful relatives put our new pencils to work. Thanks to Grammy for the school supplies! Nice rulers just in time for Student's transportation lessons in Math. She's measuring to the quarter inch and even singing about it! The song will have to come later, after Teacher can play it succinctly on the keyboard!
Teacher had thought including this song was far less than NEEDED, and maybe even under the maturity level of Student, but it just so happens, that Warrior enjoys it and loves all things TRANSPORTATION, so God went before us and lined-up an opportunity for Teacher to read music and play the keyboard! Oh what fun! (Yes, Teacher has not had a lesson since 1996...and that was clarinet!)
On the homeschool campus, Mascot roams and finds the best places to park it and learn...
Of course, that's when he's not in on the lesson...
With the constant help of Student, our semester began right on track. Oh what love the Father has lavished upon us, as that girl is the nucleus of everything that goes on, here. In addition to her own studies, she is actively helping others. Thank you, God.
The day is done, the lessons are learned,
and the result of Warrior's continued practice cutting with scissors
has yielded the sweetest one-legged bear!
God is smiling, and so are we!