Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tuesday, Last

There's much to be thankful for, as many are on-the-mend at the Homeschool.
And so we thank You, Father in Heaven:

less-raw noses,
soft tissues,
family togetherness,
clean drinking water,
hot showers,
delayed immunizations because of fever,
Principal's presence.

Truly, Father, thanks be to our, the God of restoration. Please continue to show your mercy and healing here to those who are sick. Amen.

Q: What does one get when a sick Warrior's Motrin IB kicks in?
A: A pillow-turned-punching bag.

Q: What next to do with such energy?
A: Get some Vitamin D and go for a walk-turned-run!

Q: What next to do with such energy?
A: Insist on needing rest and sitting for a good read.

All except Warrior, that is. No sitting for the Motrin-energized!
