Reading for Warrior gets a new environment,
as he reads in his room and tries to take turns
playing AND reading!
Mascot toots the train from the other room,
as Student and Warrior try to focus among the noise!
Just more training for the world outside of the campus, right!?
Wherever God plans to work through these kiddos, there will surely be noise!
So we do all things for His glory and make some noise with an old favorite hymn:
Pass It On.
Teacher remembers the Autumn mornings Grandmother would invite the neighborhood kids over. Yes, before school made for an early start on the school day, but the kids would come, and we would sing to Jesus and pray for our day ahead in the public schools.
Grandmother would play piano as the kids would sing. Teacher longs to teach her own kiddos of the days and music past. Hymns that bring praise in a warm presence of togetherness and the Holy Spirit. Mmm, hmmm.
As for Warrior, he sits and shoots like he isn't listening... til Teacher hears him sing from the other room. Those brains are always at work!
And finishing his Phonics lesson with a request, Warrior identified the letters with his sense of touch and CLOSED eyes!
Student kept busy with Reading, as usual, but made time for an experiment after her seatwork.
She has been studying energy, and today was wind and water.
The Homeschool had no pinwheel on hand. Our artful skills proved not too useful this time, as the pinwheel we could MAKE would be water and Student quickly hypothesized that it would get soaked! We had better get some foam on hand for just such emergencies!
Realizing that the blades of the propeller needed to be angled, Student's last effort to use wind to push the propellers brought her fun mess to an end!
Lord, above, we thank you for this daily experience raising these children in the knowledge and admonition of You. Feeling exhausted, exhilarated, pain and joy many times even all in one day, we lift our efforts and ask that You would give the courage and perseverance to continue in this good work You have begun in us. In the Holy name of Jesus, Amen.