and waiting.
Oh, yes, part of the learning experiences of life: waiting!
What other life lessons are going on around here,
one may ask?
Just ask Warrior, he'll tell you what he's reading!
He's moving onto ai, ay, y, and long O.
He continues his struggles with short i and e,
but since they are both non-projectory sounds, this is rather common.
And there is no news in Student's Reading, but that it's taking up more of her free time.
When the schoolday is over, she requests quiet time up in her room away from the boys, with her dolls and her books!
As for her Science, the Abeka Discovering God's World have proven a good fit for the Homeschool. It's filled with colorful pictures relating God to all of the happenings in nature and simple machines and pulleys.
Yes, that white window blurrrr is the freshly fallen snow.
Even with the canceling of some local districts, we continued our day of learning.
That's the beauty of a schedule made by the Homeschool
and implemented by Principal!
Also getting in on the Reading fun, Mascot enjoys some cuddle time with Student here and there!
Continuing work in Music on their transportation song, both Warrior and Student completed Teacher-lead drawings of all the vehicles in the song:
They will present their song with these pictures as soon as they have it mastered!
Video to come soon!
And not to spoil God's surprise of snow, the day ended with a romp among the beauty of white covering the backyard!