Sharpening focus.
Sharpening life skills.
Oh how the daily lie is a learning process.
Student would prefer to have something NEW everyday.
Review and building upon learned information is not her favorite.
But, alas, certain life skills are ever presenting themselves and the
newness often comes in a sketchbook or a good read before the truly blessed day is over.
Warrior, however, is ascending upon NEW territory daily, as is the stuff of preschool.
Teacher sees that she has been quite the mess-monitor and not encouraged enough scissor activities. These are the things, and messes we will clean without complaining so that we may become blameless and pure children of God. Amen.
He also insisted on addition being a part of his Math lesson. So, he used these Spiderman multiplication cards and Teachers hands to add the numbers he transferred from the flashcards.
Roadmap Reading was a new idea to help encourage Warrior to read a complete story. His attention is complete for 2 pages at the max. His interest in Reading is high, and thus Teacher is trying to familiarize but not force the correct way to read page after page until the BIG FAT END! He moved his vehicle to a new destination on the map after each sentence he read. Nice, again, to see how God has gone before us at the Homeschool and provided all of the teaching aids that fit Warrior to a T!