And so we headed outside for morning recess and Science.
As Student just completed her lesson on earthworms, we created a home with the worm she discovered in Neverland ( aka: the backyard cleared forest area with a tree hut). She noted the parts God designed and couldn't wait to view his burrows in the home we created!
Lessons of Psalms, Reading and Pilgrim voyages brought Warrior and Student together inside, again.
The 8th Psalm talked of how God designed the angels a little higher than people, and people are thus separate from angels, and will never become one. Student was so glad to see that fact, because she had always wondered, she said!
Warrior liked the lesson on the Pilgrims. He arranged the facts in order, and then colored some. Mostly, however, he was curious how to spell such key words from the lesson:
Student had computer time, and finished her Spelling lesson with some Grammar reviewabout homonyms. These, we read, contribute to most misspelled words in adult communication.
Praise God! Day 1 of Super school COMPLETE! AMEN!