Thanks be to God for His plan of health. All is restored at the Homeschool and ready for a week full of renewing the inner-body, as the outer gets older ans weaker each day.
Reading through Ecc chapter 3 was familiar to both Warrior and Student. Teacher is saying NUMEROUS times per day that there IS a time for everything. That's how Warrior gets away from his war men and comes to the table for seatwork!
Favorite parts of our Holy Bible reading:
Warrior: a time to build up
Student: a time to speak, a time to laugh
Teacher: a time to sew, a time to be silent
Warrior continues in his Handwriting and Reading through his APPLE book. Quite a jump that boy has made since beginning the phonetic process. He will now write and read his written words without presence from Teacher. Today he focused on the vowel "U" and loved reading such manly words among the preschool ones:
Completing more seasonal activities, each used Photoshop to create their gratitude list and design play to increase their computer skills. Teacher saved Warrior's in a low resolution and thus it's blurry, but still so much a four year-old boy's brain...
And as for Student, she has shown her God-gifted heart much in this list...
And a quick list from Teacher...
Not only were all students present, today, but the Hoemschool allows pets to tag along for learning, if they sit underneath the table, that is...
Student used some of the scraps from Teacher's boss and created an outfit for doggy's day at Homeschool. Yes, she was quite well behaved.
And at the request of Principal, the Homeschool began it's day with some stretching in no particular order or squad line...
Flexing and pointing toes, talking of muscles and bones, in between growing like trees, these bodies and minds began in unison today!
Mascot found his place at the table for seatwork among the Reading, journaling and math tests...
He's even taken after Warrior and came to learn minus a shirt!
Finishing super school with enough time to rest. Away goes the Homeschool to return tomorrow, God-willing!