WORKING a whole week is a practice the Homeschool needs to get back into, and both Student and Warrior did great! It's Teacher who had to push to make it happen. Thanking our steadfast Lord for His determination and perseverance!
Reading about snow has been Warrior's choice topic since Fall hit. Today's cpzy Reading togetherness took place on the couch with some freshly-picked local pears!
Warrior has begun to recognize his daily routine very well. Many of his activities are to promote his memorization of certain facts. And so his rote learning brings a small twist on it when it can!
Grabbing some buttons from the jar, Teacher let Warrior place them on the number orally stated. Then, Warrior let Teacher have a turn finding the numbers he picked! He loves playing teacher!
Warrior has also graduated onto complete sentences in his Handwriting. He is just getting the hang of Reading the entire sentence and then repeating it. He loves to make jokes about the sentence by looking at the picture clues! Really a relative of Papa D we can see!
Student has been reading one to two Box Car Children books per day! Her trips to the library are increasing! Good thing we are just a half mile from the local library!
Teacher sees that Student has escaped the lens of the camera lately, and so she is represented by her latest gift from Auntie Ang...Hello Kitty fleece pajamas, a regular uniform for Winter Homeschool!
Quickly finishing up our daily load, Principal made it back to present the super prizes to Student and Warrior! Warrior earned his long-awaited boxing gloves, and Student earned her asked-for alarm step closer to REAL LIFE!