In the sunshine and pumping it up! Student, Warrior and Mascot share mats for sit-ups and push-ups.
Mascot has really gotten a hang of hanging with the bigger kiddos. There isn't much going on these days that he ISN'T a part of! What a blessing!
Student is readying her singing voice for the Christmas parade. She has her carols in hand and is taking time to sing during this Advent season.
Her writing today, focused on the 3 parts of a story and how completing each part in order is key. She loved the opportunity to draw pictures to help her brain organize the words. However, her idea of a completed assignment doesn't include REVISIONS! So, alas, Teacher has to be teacher more than once a day, and revisions conquered and we all learned something!
And, almost as much as Student reads, she draws. She says she would like to be a fashion designer or make-up artist when she's grown. Her illustration gifts remind Teacher of Principal's! And, really, her prayers are that God's purpose for her would bring her to the city! She says she likes the country, but loves the city!
This curvy sketch was part of Teacher's birthday card last week!
Our Bible lesson is focusing on the birth of Christ. We checked out a colorful book with rhyming for the sake of Warrior. He's still focused on the beginning sounds of words for Reading, that the whole rhyming idea really throws him off. Each day we will read a different version of the Nativity of Christ and know how such a babe born to die for us is a wonderful gift!
Warrior's seatwork had his attention with the information of doctors. He hasn't been to the optometrist in his short life, as of yet, so the eye chart he thought quite fun!
It was the information on shots that he couldn't listen to because he was too focused on the picture itself! He circles each picture in the order he wants Teacher to talk about them, and he was hesitant, but didn't save the SHOT til last! What a brave boy!
It was a day completed with a time of activity at the rec center. It was after the indoor play that the kiddos wanted just 5 minutes at an outdoor park. They agreed that upon hearing Teacher honk, they would come running...and they did!
Praise be to God for His presence of beauty in this world. The sun shines like no other today, and His care is around us. Amen