Chill in the air...
then... OFF with the jackets!
Listen and name that instrument game really brought smiles today. Mascot thought it fun to celebrate the birthday of the saxophone, while Student loved marching to the compositions of J.P. Sousa.
Other learning was found in Bible memorization for Awana, with help from principal.
Reading and counting with Warrior on the magnet board in the mud porch.
Finally, the third attempt, Teacher has created a number chart that will work!
It was also with Warrior that the phone got some learning time. His seatwork taught some practical community tips in Social Studies today.
Wouldn't it be super if he REALLY sang his song of name & address in an emergency...well, Lord willing we'll br protected from that. But for now, 911 and Warrior are ready, just in case.
Thanks be to GOd the giver of all things good. We declare this day and the work we have done, as good! AMEN!