Yes, there are 26 letters in the alphabet! Wow, it seems like the loops and swoops will never end!
Student enjoyed the introduction to D, E, and F today. She thought that D would be too hard, but her perseverance proved otherwise. Also, the sliding of a hand across paper is a skill ever-so-delicately perfected. The challenge of fine-tuning these fine motor skills was such a struggle for me, back in the days of being a student. I am thankful for the patient fruit God is producing in Student!
Adding more suffixes to the mix, our magnet board is getting more use today. It is fun to see how many rooms in the house can be used for homeschooling! Since we taught Student to operate the washing machine and dryer today, for Life Skills, the laundry room is getting double-usage today!
Math and Phonics seatwork, along with History and good ol' Reading, our light days continue! Looking forward to Fall Break and an expanding family in the next week! Lead us oh Lord, to use our time wisely.
Student Says: It was fun learning more letters in cursive. My favorite was the capital cursive D. Maybe I will stay up late this weekend!