Student has had a relationship with Lehi, a student at Vanderpol Christian Academy in The Philippines, for a year now. We have not written as much as we would like to, so today marked our first pen pal day at homeschool. We took the opportunity to learn about the form of a personal letter, and Student completed it quickly.
In addition to a letter, Student included this yo-yo bookmark she sewed for Lehi, today.
Cursive continues, and Student connected her first letters today to form a word. Having learned the first 3 letters of the alphabet, out natural choice for a first word was cab.
Counting down to our last 10 facts in Space for Science, we have only a few more projects to complete before our open house!
Our outing to the store brought another opportunity for Student to gain life skills with her pricing lists, and then contrasting least and most expensive. The winners today were pork chops, and baby socks.
Reading another chapter in her chapter book, working on her flashcards for Math, studying the next two chapters in Genesis, Student is steadily making progress in her schooling. Toddler, on the other hand, is steadily creating distractions from her schooling! I remember thinking that the actual teaching time would be so much less from a traditional classroom because of our one-on-one learning... wonder how much time a newborn will add to our daily schooling?! Can't wait to see!
Student: It was fun making my yo-yo bookmark for Lehi! Lehi lives in the Philippines. I am sending it to The Philippines. One of my church members is in The Philippines, right now. We think she is a little bit older than me. But that's ok, I like the age I'm at!