Monday, September 28, 2009

Classic Monday

Classic as in ballet, that is. The classic came to life through the words of Adele Geras & Emma Chichester Clark: The Nutcracker Ballet. Student spotted this book during our checkout time at the library today. She wondered why it was in our pile, and I told her I picked it out thinking of her...well, it was a classic hit! She couldn't put the book down, beginning to read on our walk out the doors of the library, until she had it completed after Toddler's nap, the story was complete.

Student enjoyed the book, even not having the definition of a "bal-ett", yet, she loved the story. So, we talked about that silly word, ballet, and how she would have known all along, but it just didn't come to her yet...

The books she picked to bring home, were on Art and then two on Egypt. We'll learn and share on those soon. Naturally, since they are second in line to Clara!

Aside from the library, Student completed her last lesson before Fall Fest for violin. This was a sleepy time for the new addition, and Toddler was quite busy with the ball from Mrs. S. So, I think we're ready for a performance!

Seatwork and History doubled-up today. Student wasn't happy about the larger quantities of seatwork today, but completing them everywhere but a seat, probably helped them get done! In the van, on the couch, on the floor and some in the kitchen...completed and ready for another day of Homeschool tomorrow!

Student's latest computer drawing is pictured here, in all it's carefully constructed layers. Take a peek!
