Can there be any warmer place than holding a newborn? What a perfectly cuddly place to read! Beginning with our Library book recommended by Tonya: The Little Wooden Farmer, Student listened with the new addition in her lap. This Dutch farmer has no animals and he and his wife decide to get some, and thus the tale begins! Sweet illustrations and mandalas throughout keep the folk tale lively and true to it's Swedish style.
Cursive smiles keep coming! Student has a new favorite subject! Continuing on, we are finishing up with the letter "R".
History has come to Egypt! We read the introduction to life in Egypt and continued with the life of Joseph.
Math was reviewing counting. Backwards, forwards, skip-counting and place value. I think Student will be dreaming numbers tonight, I know I will!
Speedy practice of violin. Getting faster with each song, Student loves learning something new and so she looks forward to her next lesson with Mrs. S.
Happy Wednesday: Awana day!