Reading has become an ordinary event, with less and less struggling and question. Student has truly soared in her phonics and belief in being able to conquer bigger words! Way to go Student!
History is inching us into Egypt. When Student saw the illustration for our lesson from Genesis today, she was just counting down the minutes until she had the opportunity to draw her own 2-D picture from our lesson on Joseph today.
Our vocabulary words:
Yes, this is child-friendly history, but introduction to such words makes for great girl-talk and understanding the evils present in our world still today. She understands that God created family and marriage, and this holy union is under attack. She truly has such a loyalty and understanding of such since she watched Fireproof. Oh, what these amazing child brains can sort out!
Letter by letter, we are now through "L" in our cursive lessons. Student has been creating all the words she can, connecting letters to create words from the letters she has already learned. You know, loopy versions of:
cab, dad, lab, jab, bad, dat...no she hasn't learned scat, for music appreciation, but it sounds like it!
Testing in Math proved that she is learning right along, and still wondering why the tests are so easy. Yes, someday it may not be so, but I bask in this love she has for Math, and thank her Dad for that trait. God is good to create brains that understand Math, as I know that mine doesn't.
Violin practice was done with the puzzle method, and am I glad that her excitement lasted the whole session.
Fall Fest, here we come!
Student: It is fun that the first day of Fall is now!
I made Potiphar's wife with her head turned away because she didn't listen to Joseph when he objected.