With the knowledge that cousin will arrive soon, one would think that the Homeschool would get dressed for the day
BEFORE starting school...but that's not always the case.

Really, Teacher could take time out of the learning to require that Warrior and Mascot cover with clothing, but then the delay of tasks could be extensive. Distractions come to Warrior as often as he breathes, so the ruling is
COME AS YOU ARE. Just how Jesus accepts us... and complete your lessons so that you have enough time to scramble for clothes before escorting Student to the dentist!

Ah, yes, the dentist. When one schools at home and the receptionist can call and ask one to get to the office in 5 minutes foe sealants, yes, this is yet another joy of life at the Homeschool.

Cousin and Warrior read together and played quietly with the lobby toys, as was the report from the staff behind the counter. YAY! Chalk this visit up as one positive representation of home-educators. As this is not always the case, we thank God for children and their learning to choose to do what is right, even when Teacher isn't in the room! This means

Not only did the children enjoy the sun and fun...

this lone dog was quite happy to share the park, too!

Cousin just knew it was a good thing that Teacher had the camera and insisted that a picture be taken of the dog and immediately we begin the search for the owner! He had visited the local donut shop that morning and remembered an LOST ad with a dog picture and tried to put his head with the others' to devise a plan to wrangle the dog while all drove to the donut shop to compare pictures.
Only minutes into their brainstorming, the owner yelled from around the corner, and dog's playtime was over. As for the Homeschool? Play and school are jut another blessing from Jehovah that opens the little minds of these children for Teacher to look into with amazement. Taste and see that our Lord is