This creates a schedule on both Monday and Friday that involve leaving campus.
Monday is Piano and Sign Language. Warrior seems to think it's a treat both to play AND do the activities!
An answer to prayer, the Piano teacher trades the lessons to Student and Warrior for group Signing lessons taught by Teacher.
Not all things are new this year, though. The fishing chart was a favorite for both Student and Warrior, so they have constructed their Fall 2012 charts and prepare to finish each days' lessons to place a sticker in the square and FISH for a prize each Friday.
Working side-by-side, Teacher can't wait to see what this arrangement brings!
Making use of in-between lesson time, Warrior has been digging into the flashcards box. And Student has taken it upon herself to learn a few Spanish words each month. So she gets permissoin to keep a handful in her desk each month. Now that's a priveledge!
The POINTER has been a popular addition to the classroom this year. Teacher just couldn't pass it up on the $1 rack at Target! Really, now, if Warrior and Mascot will just believe Teacher that it is NEVER EVER to be used as a sword, all should be safe! It's been a nice addition to Warrior's skip-counting efforts. He's been working though 2s, 5s and 10s.
And to complete the classroom, a newer globe! Grammy eyed this gem! It plugs in and offers a light display of the constellations God designed in the night sky. LOVELY! We are so thankful.