fosters a stronger hunger for knowledge!
Lord, may this year lead us to where You would have us to go.
May our thoughts and words be pleasing to You,
as we use these brains You have given, to
renew our minds daily.
In Jesus name, amen.
Here it is, the new classroom!
Bluish, yes.
No kidding, clothes on and hair up? This MUST have been the FIRST day of the year!
Principal suggested that Teacher blog in PAST tense since she's not usually caught up on posting the daily school happenings!
And so that's what one will read, the PAST happenings of our 2011-2012 schoolyear here, on the schoolhouse 27 blog.
That's the OFFICIAL name anyhow, each private school must legally have a name. Considering Student isn't the ONLY pupil anymore, Teacher and Principal redesigned the banner and voila!
And to top-off the first day of Kindergarten for Warrior, and 3rd grade foe Student: the piercing of Student's ears! What a proud day for the Homeschool. The whole gang was right there supporting her through the ear0gun trigger-pulling!
She didn't seem to feel much pain, but her eyes truly sparkled. Those sparkles that come with each right-of-passage in this life. Yes, those are the ones, the ones that say the babies are growing up.
Lord above, help we as parents to nurture Your children with knowledge, love and admonition of You. In Jesus name, amen.