And so his brain and our hands collectively finished HALF of our first Pinterest-inspired project!
As for rug time, those kiddos scrunched down and squatteed for their chance to JUMP up for their birthday month during our 12 months of the year lesson for cousin. He hadn't heard the Homeschool's rendition before today, but he's in love now!
Back to desks for piano activities. Studying up on their note-reading, Cousin is certainly thinking hard!
Working puzzles and practicing 0-5 times tables, this morning has been a blessing, A reminder from our Father in heaven that all good things come from Him.
Having some quiet-space for Reading, Warrior chooses the dining room to speed through his lesson and hit the outdoors as soon as possible.
Student, also loving the Autumn weather blessings, is putting her artistic talents to work for the 1st Annual LIFE RIDE to take place over the next weekend. Lord, may you get the glory and honor as you are a God of truth. May your truth be celebrated on bikes this weekend!