Alone, some.
In Student's bed, some!
Teacher said if it was ONLY reading going on in Student's bed, then student's bed is open for his visit.
Writing, not being her favorite, Student does however like to share her work. Reading her story aloud, she doesn't have to ask Warrior to quiet down as he's still in her bed. Thus, she's happy to share!
Mascot uses his favorite POINTER to choose the country the Homeschool can pray for today. Those red and orange countries on the map currently persecute Christian solely for their faith, and we are called to pray for those suffering, and mourn with those who mourn, so we practice that here at the Schoolhouse. Cousin wanted to take note of which countries were Bible-friendly so he didn't go to the wrong one on vacation, sweet boy that he is!
Reviewing the month song, rug time is complete.
Working his skip-counting skills, Warrior is up to 2s, 5s and 10s. Can't wait to see him connect this counting with coins! That's the kind of thing his brain really gets a kick out of.
And to be the only third grader, usually means for seatwork, so as the others fill the floor, Student continues in her work. Diligence in her prayer journal among the other lessons, this is the focus we are called to.
2Peter 3:14
Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace.