Video fun for all!
Student created her own play to help remember the lyrics
to her next working piece for violin class with Mrs. S.
Also in Homeschool, Toddler and Student took their sack lunches
and headed to the Rec Center. Jo and Nolan met them for
some ball-gun-matchbox-run-fun! That gym hadn't seen action like
that all day!
Back to the Homeschool, Student eagerly worked on her Awana memorization. She has now earned her jewel for knowing all 27 books of the New Testament! That vest is slowly looking more and more like a princess fashion accessory!
As for Toddler, he was still for the majority of his lesson. He caught up his verses and hid his new on in his heart, too. It was the Apple tree activity that threw him overboard! Making use of the sit-and-listen times he has during the day is a constant puzzle Teacher is trying to solve. His best learning times, differ from day-to-day. His interest peeks at different incriments. But, trying to check-off Awana from our list today, Teacher hurried the activity, and it lasted for 2 minutes!
We were trying to create a good-smelling spice blend like the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus. Teacher was hoping he'd smell some that weren't his favorite and then others he did want to include in his mixture. And, he got a waft of 2, including garlic powder and cinnamon, and called it GOOD! (The fuzz in the left corner is his hair...that's as still as he stood!)
Student was moving today, too! She moved her bike for 3 miles along the creek path! She had the blessed-sight of observing the geese flying patterns above, hence, she picked the blog title today.What a girl, what a pixie! She loves to note the name of her vintage schwinn, pixie it is! One pivk pixie that's preparing her legs for indoor soccer season!
Reviewing how many more story problems in Math, Student moved on to discover the thousands place. Reviewing calendar facts as well, she was sure that their 10 months in a season, til she was assured by Teacher that if Winter lasted 10 months, we'd have to pray about MOVING!