Saturday, January 16, 2010


If Roosevelt Franklin isn't a familiar character in the home, he should be. He is the inspiration for the title of our Half-days of Homeschool. And thanks to Grammie, it was a halfie to end our struggling week! Roosevelt sings a grrrreat song about days of the week! We can sing along and count the days we were sick this week and pray for restored health for next week!

Student is currently working on this piece with her violin instructor. She was excited to share on the Homeschool blog, though it isn't completely learned, yet. Toddler, on the other hand, begs "...don't put me on the blog!" This is parallel to the phrase "I don't want to take a picture!" from previous generations! Fun how things change!

Closing her eyes and finding a country to pray for, Student's finger landed upon Egypt. Noting the country's current status as a restricted nation on her map, we prayed. Over 82% Muslim in belief, Student prayed they would turn to Jesus.

Completing lessons in Math, Phonics and Spelling, Student then packed her bags for a night's stay with Grammie. She was promised a Math test upon Monday's return!

The Mascot enjoyed this weeks developmental exercise that used some of Teacher's empty thread spools. They rolled, and snapped togetther to make niose, as they are connected with elastic,,,but NO ROLLING OVER for the Mascot! Poor baby, everyone is so adamant he do tricks!

As for Toddler and Mascot, they went on a geese-feeding expedition! Toddler expressed his new found knowledge:
"Now I know what geese eat: bread AND bird food!"

Genesis 2:2
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

This we shall remember over the weekend!
