the Homeschool dug deep and wide
to discover the homework elves didn't
complete our lessons while we were covered
in blankets of Kleenex!
Student, working on bridging the gap between
her sharp Reading skills and developing Spelling skills,
worked through "ou as in out" and "ow as in owl" in Phonics.
Her connections are becoming more closely
woven between the auditory and tactile. Seatwork always helps, too.
Also in today's auditory learning experience, Student headed
back to the Academy to see Mrs. S for the beginning of Spring semester violin lessons.
Student had fun playing copycat and gave her ears quite the workout today!
After Mascot lead Student through much review, they ended with new skip-counting: by dozens!
Student: I really like how you taught me to count by 2's in the one's place and 1's in the ten's works!
Counting groups of whatever we could fit in a 12 count row, Student was up for the task! Hearts and flowers were more popular than the corn kernels! And Toddler? He loves to add! Asking for "...more to add", he has Teacher hold up fingers on each hand, and pushes them down as he counts to get the answer. What is truly amazing, and amusing, is when he spouts out a number that is correct for the Math problem Student is working on! He's a seeming story-problem whiz! Laughing is allowed at all times in Homeschool!
Skipping a few days on the chart, Student took note of today's temperature and graphed it. Boy, what an easy Teacher to count a week-long charting event COMPLETED after 3 entries. On the other hand, Student and Toddler have been taking turns creating art on both the Magnadoodle the Computer, quite regularly.
Catching up in History, Student learned about fighting the good fight and the work of Thurgood Marshall. Teacher is hoping that jumping 100 years back from the Civil Rights Movement after MLK day will all tie-together in Student's mind. She had questions for Teacher in regards to History, though...
"When are we going to read about famous people. Like in my Wendy's Mad Lib it talked about Abe Lincoln and Dave Thomas. Who are they anyway?"
The circulatory system made it's debut today, as well. Student paid close attention to the chambers of the heart. She now sees how God healed her of the multiple holes she had in her heart. God is making connections all through Homeschool that we could never have foreseen! To Him be the glory!
Happy birthday Auntie Ang! You are the same number of years as the number of vertebrae God designed in our spinal columns...aren't we glad to know!