park-school, and even Dr. office-school...
but bed-school has just made it's debut today!
With the nebulizer, always by her side,
and pajamas being the dress-code for sick girls,
it made perfect sense to have bed-school!
So, with no boys around, in the privacy of her room,
Student worked on fractions in Math.
Using her new set of 12, yes 12 lip glosses,
she separated them into equal groups.
(Because what else did Walmart mean for soooooooo many lip glosses in one girl's possession?)
Today marks the first day Student is charting the temps...good week to do so!
Also in bed-school, Student read History from Daniel today. Her new vocab word guesses:
pale: all sick
plunder: I don't know!
Thanks to God's grace, we experienced the great outdoors, again!
And what to do with half-snow still sticking around?
Toddler was just sure it was UMBRELLA weather!
Student is loving her very own light-up-globe she received for Christmas! She has paired this with her Voice of the Martyrs Map.
She received this in the mail and has been using her new globe to locate nations to pray for.
There is a real presence of concern for her persecuted brothers and sisters-in-Christ. Praise God for His mysterious ways of working! May her heart never grow numb to the truth, Amen.