Gingerbread Houses!
Beginning, and getting distracted by the fair weather, Warrior constructed a win block with two walls!
Student had planned to visit Great Papa Marshall and construct hers, so she let her guest go first.
It was ending up to be a wish box, as the triangular roof we didn't plan for, wasn't working with the curved store-brand an adobe/wish box to hide a Christmas wish inside...that's what the Homeschool created.
And, working from the brain and not experience or directions...Teacher figured out, by the second attenpt, that the frosting really had to be specific-to-this project! So, adding egg whites and moving on, Student created hers...
Topped with pixie stick!
Treading across town to the Rec Center, energy bounded off the walls.
Then, witnessing the delightful weather, the sword fighting finished the afternoon after seatwork. All for one, one for all! Thanks, Lord above!