No, the energy is NOT any less.
Yes, the world has seen a lot of the Homeschool, and Winter isn't officially here, yet!
Leaving campus for a playdate, Student had an Art project, as well!
She is always ready for play with little girls. And this she had. But the impromptu lesson on Tissue Ball construction was a welcome second! Thanks, Aunt Kathy.
Gathered for snack, even Mascot sat like a little gent. With all energy sitting still, they were recharged to head back to campus for lessons.
Lessons that would amount to only a Halfie, Warrior multi-tasked to make the most of his pre-nap learning! Snack AND Social Studies are an obvious match in his eyes!
Thank you, God of the universe, for taking care of our details this year of learning. May we do all our handiwork with all of our might... in Your name, Amen.