Toddler enjoyed the Samson saga. You know, all the regular boy interests:
pretty girls
Who said The Bible was boring?!
Student had more Map exercises in Geography. The whole Bird's Eye concept she liked, but the map colors just weren't interesting enough. When one is 6 years old, pink and purple really are the only acceptable colors. And that's where Principal gets his extra credit in bringing to Homeschool Student's newest heart's desire: Decorate and Primp Mirror. This Art project had been in her heart for weeks. She had even drawn mock-ups with multiple ideas for decoratng. This is what she came up with!
We put on our brains in Math today and realized we didn't need to create more flashcards that looked like dominoes to help learn our addition and subtraction facts up to ten. The need was filled by shiny, colorful dominoes from Grammy. Thanks! These fit right into Student's hand, and provide a perfect excuse for playing!
Seatwork was finished nice and early, as we had plans to venture out into our Father's world of blue skies and falling leaves and acorns! We trekked our favorite 2.5 mile venture to the park and donut shop. Meeting up with some friends, Student's imagination was brought to life with the acorn collection. She brought them home and immediately set up house and home for those little acorn people! Thanks, Johanna, for a new day of play and creativity! Student cut-up houses and beds and drew faces on each member of her acorn family. A family of 5, of course!