For activity today, Student completed a session of Winsor Pilates. What a trooper, she actually is quite flexible and says she has missed this activity!
As for Reading, we cuddled on the couch for some furry fun. Student picked out a velvet covered book of snuggly stories gifted to her when she was a toddler herself, from Gramma S2. Student enjoyed The Straw, the Coal and the Bean. The Wee Little Woman was a bit of a tongue twister and ended not a moment too soon!
All the fun she had with Grammy and Toddler was followed up with Math seatwork. Student had some measuring review of inches. Also in review, was reading the face of the clock. This was brought to our attention last week when Student wanted to read some new jokes. Yes, a clock is a clock, but the front is a face. Why is it that we have bothered to name the front when it is the only part that we look at anyhow?
What has a face, but no eyes? A Clock!
What's a teacher's favorite cheese? Grated!
Why does a Mathbook always feel sad? He's full of problems!
Thanks to Student, the day can have some laughter of jokes and delight in a good poem. Her first Haikus, Student presents the following:
There was a cute dog.
He played with a bouncy ball.
And he swallowed it!
Cinderella stinks.
She kissed a slimy, red snake.
She didn't mean to.
Golf is fun to do.
The ball has dents on it's skin.
It needs a band-aid.