from paper to metal...
the magnet board resides there and
offered magnet letters for all today.
Spelling kicked up a notch, because everybody appreciates a new look at something old.
Warrior practiced adding new beginning sounds to the same middle and end sound...while Student unscrambled Spelling words.
Back to the table for continued cursive writing, and cutting.
Remember, Teacher, that Student takes after Principal and can learn most anything new the FIRST time it is introduced! And so Warrior, being 4 can learn, too. However, each and every student is made by their Creator in a unique and perfect image of a NEW cursive letter per day may NOT be realistic...okay?
Being at the table doesn't exactly mean sitting, though, just to clarify, Teacher.
For Bible lesson Student & Warrior ended with the 3 in 1 song and bounced while singing.
Prizes for seatwork completed within the allotted time were given...and then enjoyed during the last of our work before Activity time in PE.
Stretching, jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups all
followed by Student & Warriors obstacle course.
All that for a day full of indoor time, as the snow continues, and the temp drops.