Not being the only one on campus to have been bitten,
the day began with fun before facts!
Even Principal helped Student & Warrior get started with their morning sewing gig.
Student begin reading the directions of her Christmas kit from American Girl Crafts.
Having began the small owl for her Rebecca doll, she completed it and decided to wait to begin the larger owl for herself.
Warrior got out the Student's old machine, that was handed down to and all. But, give a boy a motor and he will run with it. And what better skill to win him the affection of the super-wife Teacher has been praying for, than a sewing man!
Yes, Mascot will be next-in-line for the needle-guarded machine! For now, Warrior practices with paper and announced that today's sewing session yielded a
And lastly, of the created sewing projects today, Teacher
Used scraps and designed a much-needed coin purse for her use.
It's after this morning of sewing that all thanked God for time, food, and finished with seatwork. Because it is His establishing of our hands that is desired, may the Homeschool strive to complete this god work He has begun, in just His way and His timing. AMen.