Put to use the mismatch vintage racetracks Principal picked up at a local flea market.
Alphabet recognition and construction...where else, but outside! When does a child sit at a desk these days? Well, at the Homeschool, it's mostly in the winter!
And when is it NOT Physical Education for boys? Is not their life a continuum of circuit drills? Warrior looked too RAD in his Spider suit AND 2 wheeler!
Bible today was brought to life through a devotional by Nancy Speck that brought us to the Old Testament.
Student & Warrior recalled men from Bible days that had faith and acted on that faith, even when others around them didn't stand so firm.
And what about our personal story? Well, their stories and pictures of times they had faith and how God took care of them are illustrated here:
Student shared of her fears about the roller coaster experience, and how God kept her from falling over the edge. Warrior, on the other hand, was very current in his example, as he referenced his trying to change from a 4 wheel to a 2 wheel bike.
Today's Student Reading Summary: Princess & the Pea by Lauren Child
There is a prince and he wants a bride. And not far over a mountain, there was a girl that lives in a treehouse. She went out to see the beautiful moon. And then, a big storm comes and she's lost so she keeps walking on, and finds the castle where the prince is. The king answers the door and invites her in but she is soaking wet and beautiful. So when sh warmed herself up, the Queen gave her a nightgown and bath. Then the 12 mattresses on top and a pea on the bottom, along with goose-down pillows and linen sheets was where she would sleep. The Queen said if the girl doesn't sleep well, then the girl IS a real princess and will marry my prince! So, the next morning the Queen forgot that princesses have manners because she said she slept quite well, though she didn't. When the Prince saw her in the dining room, he dropped his teacup and she picked it up for him when he said, "There's a certain something about you!" And she said her name, and he asked her to marry him for a week. Time after time, and then she said YES! They got married!
Music involved review for Student and news for Warrior. They focused on families of instruments. They took turns placing their gamepiece on the correct family card. Yes, it was rocket science and they earned a chocolate chip for every correct answer!
As Student still has 2 weeks before violin lessons begin, so her patience for string instruments is running thin! Thus, we just had to add another instrument to her r'epertoire...THE DRUM!
Also used as:
steam roller
sibling attacker
rolling dodge ball
Current Events connected the Homeschool to Samaritan's Purse for an update on the efforts after the killer earthquake in Haiti more than six months ago. Student is standing in the gap and praying for the number of shoe boxes the Homeschool will give for their Operation Christmas Child program. As this year the focus is on Haitian children, God's children are allover this world, and we are so humbled by lifting them up to our Heavenly Father. For His plans are for good, for those who love Him. We stand on His promise to continue each day, in that which He has called us to be and do: Homeschool.