Changes abound, as in life with new seasons beginning and ending constantly,
there have been such changes around here.
Temporary Class Pet: Grasshoper on the window
Additional student: Warrior.
Older and wiser: Student.
Bigger and louder: Mascot.
Beginning the school day with Principal among us,
we finished the day knowing that his presence was God's provision.
Starting with Warrior's lessons in the early am,
he ran with the wolves AND took time for the phonetic alphabet.
Warrior identifies the letter and the sound and then proceeds to use the flashcard for a target! Works wonders, as he's done this some throughout the summer, and he only has a handful of letters that still cause him to check on the chart for clues. Great enthusiasm for ANYTHING that involves hurling objects... that's our Warrior!
Finishing up the outdoor lessons with sorting and counting, Warrior crossed over to the indoor environment for handwriting. This, of course, was maxed out with 3 words! And mornings ARE his attentive time!
Joining up with Student for Bible, we reviewed some facts.
66 total books
39 in the Old Testament
27 in the New Testament
4 sections the Old Testament books are divided into:
Poetry & Wisdom Writings,
Preparation was then made for our library trip,
as Student complied a list of books from the BOOKS KIDS LOVE resource.
It was AFTER the library that we took Mascot in for a Dr. appointment.
Yes, he's had 5 days of fever.
Yes, he's exhibiting other teething symptoms.
Yes, his sleep and now eating habits have been interrupted.
Thus, we all filled up waiting room hours with talking, stories, games... and finally a movie on Principal's iPhone.
One catheter,
a blood work-up,
and many tears later,
we went home with a diagnosis of a viral infection.
Thanks be to God for blessings our FIRST day this year, with Principal to help wrangle kiddos at an unexpected afternoon vacation at the local physician. This virus too, shall pass, and the
homeschool shall resume tomorrow! Praise Him for His many blessings, as Student got off EASY today and she's full of PRAISE!