We were blessed with the Spelling Power curriculum last year, thanks Mrs. Tonya! And now that Student is such a great reader, Teacher couldn't wait to begin the 15 minutes a day to develope the GRRREAT speller in Student! We began with a placement test and her score was 98%. Add a purple colored-pencil to write with, and who WOULDN'T want to have SPELLING lesson!?
Warrior then switched senses and completed
auditory alphabet pracitice by identifying the beginning letters and their sound of this list:
under √
fat √
Finishing up with Handwriting before lunch, tis so sweet to be a pre-k student where halfies = wholies! The day is just long enough to witness his excitment that of course trickles right on over to us all at the Homeschool! Even the contented Mascot in the wagon awaiting his ride...
Student began her day the same way she ended yesterday...with a fever. Downing some liquid hydration and ibuprofen, she cuddled up with a book. However, it wasn't long til the fever began to subside & her bike, too, got a workout!
Skip counting, addition of numbers in the hundreds place, addition problems with multiple addends, Student experienced some Math review. It was all fine and fancy with the particulars she remembered well, it was the loss-of-memory in fractions that turned the fine and fancy into frustrating frenzy! Student quickly recovered, glory to God, becasue the Homeschool has it's share of buttons, and what better mathematical manipulatives to bring a smile! Soothing to see the Holy Spirit in her daily actions. Patience is a fruit that Teacher needs to bare more!
With her iPod and KLOVE close by, Student finished her time in bed with handwork: embroidery of her own design...
Thank you, Lord of Lords, for your care and attention this school year. May we let YOU establish the daily work of our hands. As you have gone before us, we thank you in advance for the continued blessings. Amen.