The kids had fun with this Bible Time lesson, on becoming a son of the Commandment... and daughter in this case!
We read about the special wrapping of the scripture scroll in it's box. First the 13 yr olds carried on their arms, as pictured, and then on their foreheads during morning prayer.
Reading for these little students always fits right in.
No, I haven't found the Student's misplaced camera, but let's give it up for this Mac, b/c it has it's own camera! So this was our experiment in using it today.
On to our 50 States song by Camille McCausland, again, give it up for the Mac, we love itunes!
Water baseball anyone? We know how to spend a Summer day at this house!
Student: I like to homeschool, it's fun! It was really fun playing water baseball, home plate was actually our pool full of water. I got to splash into it when I ran to home. What was also fun, was learning our 50 song. It is medium, not too fast or slow! We are beginning in the East and go to the West, so we sang about my state: South Carolina.
Summer Pupil: It was fun playing water baseball. I liked making the little...phylactery. It felt like a spider was on my arm, and it was itchy so I didn't wear it for long!