Thursday Literary lesson combined Art and Reading. What bright lights shine from her brain when I mention...PAINT!
Story time for Student! We have been enjoying contrasting non fiction heroes and folk tale characters. Today we introduced new literary terms, and Student will be brainstorming about her own story. We are focusing on an animal story, like the one we read today: The Three Snow Bears.
We began by reading the story of creation and naming all of the literary terms consistent with that story. She picked this book, and it is far from a beginner reader, but she breezed right through the pages. Taking turns, we got through it so smoothly and began our lesson with our minds on the Lord that created this day for us to learn through!
Main Character: My main character will be named Krista, and she is a jaguar. Kind of yellowish with black spots. She is a kid.
Antagonist: Monkey, named Joe, that gets her fish for her food. But he gets her fake rubber fish with seeds on them when she wishes for real fish with real seeds. He lives in a very big tree. He is a kid, too. Brown monkey.
Plot: One day when she woke up, she saw an empty plate. She thought that it would be nice with real food on it...but there was no food, and no Joe. She didn't see him hiding in the tree...and he jumped out and scared her.
Setting: She lives in the jungle. There are lots of animals in the jungle.
Resolution: A jungle police, big strong elephant, he finds Joe and gets him in a net. Scaring was a rule not to break. And he stayed in the net for a day to teach him to choose to not break the rule. Do what is right!
Title: Jungle Thief