Friday, June 12, 2009

Daily Practice

I remember beginning violin lessons, last Autumn, and shrieking at the thought of daily practice.
How could we possibly fit one more thing into our daily schedule?

Here we are, alomost a year later, and Student and I forgot to include violin in our planner...because we are so accustomed to having it daily that it comes quite naturally. So began the talk of which is school, which is chore, which is life for a kid. And, as all parents know, everything is a teaching opportunity. Every day there are happenings that are fun and enjoyable strictly because they are through the eyes of a child. And as the Bible instructs to talk of the Lord when we walk, eat, sit and lay down...well, that pretty much covers everything! So, to seperate school from life, we are realizing isn't necessary. Whether the learning is impromptu, planned in our lesson, or an inquisitive question from the view of a child, it truly is learning.

Student, newly six and all, created her own chore chart. Her symbols for each job are superb! And as she begins and ends each day with chores, the in-between time is truly a joy to observe.

This picture is iphone time with Daddy, keeping busy when on an errand and creating art...what better use for that piece of equipment?

Student Says: I had a nice time making my chore chart. My favorite chore is making my bed and getting dressed. We went on the computer yesterday, and found some fun stuff I like to do. I made stories, and my own postcards.
