With the passing of the days,

and the semester nearing an end,

Student's focus is on Art, and so the entrance door found itself
growing spring flowers. A lovely addition, indeed. Until Warrior
gives in to his desire to rip them down and eat them, that is.
The group effort was a success!

Though it takes Warrior a little longer to complete a project and stay focused,
he comes through with flying colors! And Mascot finds time with Student always to be
full of cuddling.

Finishing up with Reading, Warrior gets help from Teacher & Mascot.

And, since Teacher is posting all of this AFTER summer has already found
the Homeschool, short=sweet, as THE BLUISH is becoming a space for learning
as Warrior will need a more focused learning environment for the upcoming Kindergarten year! Yes, Teacher, you said KINDERGARTEN!
Bless the Lord, oh our souls,
and all that is within us.
Bless His Holy name.
Warrior, on the other hand, is focusing on finishing the cursive alphabet that had extended it's stay here, at the Homeschool.